List of products by brand SmartMax

SmartMax are colourful and safe magnetic construction toys for young children.

SmartMax: A universe of high-quality magnetic construction products.

Our products are strong and safe, enabling spectacular creations while being fun…even for toddlers! SmartMax products include basic sets with plenty of high-quality pieces to get started, as well as vehicles and themed sets (flowers, cars, and more). ALL SmartMax sets work together!

An award winning brand: SmartMax has won numerous international awards. Including ‘Toy of the Year’ in the Netherlands.


SmartMax parts are extra-large, which makes them easy to grab with little hands and because of their size they can’t be swallowed. SmartMax is made from high quality materials, which make the parts really strong. SmartMax parts are glued and welded for final assembly, which makes it impossible to tear them apart.


Magnetic - North and south

Magnets have a magnetic north and south pole. The cold colors (green, blue, purple and white) have their north poles directed outwards. The warm colors (red, orange, yellow and pink) have their south poles directed outwards.

Attract and repel

Unlike poles attract, like poles repel. All bars with a cold color can be connected to all bars with a warm color. All other combinations repel. Magnetic - North and south Magnetic - Balls


SmartMax balls are attracted by all bars, regardless of their color. More than 20 bars can be connected to one ball.

Skills development

1 Physical

Fine motor skills

Gross motor skills

Sensory development

Hand-eye coordination

2 Cognitive

Colour & shape recognition

Fantasy & creativity

Logical thinking

Balance & stacking

3 Social & emotional

Playing together

Understanding emotions

Language & communication



Odabirom SmartMax magnetnih setova birate sigurne i intuitivne magnetne igračke za najmlađe! SmartMax proizvodi su čvrsti i sigurni, omogućavaju spektakularne kreacije, a ujedno su zabavni ... čak i za malenu djecu!

Svi dijelovi SmartMax magnentih setova su ekstra veliki, što ih čini jednostavnim za hvatanje malim rukama i zbog svoje veličine ne mogu se progutati. SmartMax je izrađen od visokokvalitetnih materijala, koji svaki magnet čine jako robusnim, a dodatno lijepljenje varenje prilikom završne montaže čini ih praktično neuništivim! Stoga se igranje SmartMax magnetima preporučuje već od uzrasta 12+ mjeseci.

SmartMax je osvojio brojne međunarodne nagrade, uključujući Igračku godine u Nizozemskoj.

Zašto odabrati SmartMax?

Magnetne STEAM igračke za najmlađe
Svi dijelovi SmartMax magnentih setova su ekstra veliki, što ih čini jednostavnim za hvatanje malim rukama i zbog svoje veličine ne mogu se progutati, što ih čini idealnim magnetnim igračkama za uzrast 1+ godina.
Sigurnost na prvom mjestu
SmartMax je izrađen od visokokvalitetnih materijala, koji svaki magnet čine jako robusnim, a dodatno lijepljenje varenje prilikom završne montaže čini ih praktično neuništivim!
Razvoj fizičkih vještina
Igranje SmartMax setovima pomaže razvoj fizičkih vještina, kao što su vještine fine i grube motorike, senzorne vještine i koordinacija ruke i oka.
Razvoj kognitivnih vještina
Igranje SmartMax setovima pomaže razvoj kognitivnih vještina, kao što su raspoznavanje boja i oblika, mašta i kreativnost, logičko razmišljanje, balansiranje i slaganje.
Razvoj socijalnih i emocinoalnih vještina
Igranje SmartMax setovima pomaže razvoj socijalnih i emocionalnih vještina neophodnih za igranje u društvu, razumijevanje emocija te razvoj jezika i komunikacije.

Kako rade SmartMax magneti?

Svi SmartMax magneti imaju magnetni sjeverni i južni pol.

Hladne boje (zelena, plava, ljubičasta i bijela) imaju svoje sjeverne polove usmjerene prema van.

Tople boje (crvena, narančasta, žuta i ružičasta) imaju svoje južne polove usmjerene prema van.

Suprotni polovi magneta se privlače, a isti odbijaju.

Sve šipkice hladne boje mogu se povezati sa svim šipkicama tople boje.

Kombinacije šipkica iz iste grupe boja (tople sa toplim ili hladne sa hladnim) se odbijaju.

SmartMax kuglice privlače sve šipkice, bez obzira na njihovu boju.

Više od 20 šipkica se može se spojiti s jednom kuglom.

Isprobajte beskonačne kombinacije i prepustite te se maštovitoj zabavi uz ove predivne magnetne setove.


Svi SmartMax setovi rade zajedno!

Bilo da se prvo odlučite za konkstrukcijske setove ili se pak prvo oprobate u prevoženju životinja magnetnim vozićem, mogućnosti kombinacije SmartMax setova su neograničene.

Dizajnirani da potaknu maštu i njeguju učenje kroz igru, SmartMax magnetne igračke osiguraće Vašem djetetu bezbrojne sate najljepše igre.

Konstrukcijski setovi i ekstenzije

Vozići i životinje

Svi SmartMax proizvodi

SmartMax My First Animal Train SmartMax My First Animal Train 2
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SmartMax My First Animal Train

Be a great train conductor! SmartMax My First Animal Train is designed for kids ages 18 months - 5 years, offering an early, safe, and fun introduction to magnetic discovery. Easily build the animal train and play with the animals and the conductor. Drive around with the animals in the train or play with each separately. The oversize parts of the train...
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SmartMax My First Safari Animals

Embark on a Wild Adventure with SmartMax My First Safari Animals Venture into the exciting world of wild animals with SmartMax My First Safari Animals, a delightful set designed to introduce young explorers to the wonders of the animal kingdom.
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Magnetni setovi za najmlađe

SmartMax SMX 103-XT SET: 6 Neutral balls

Enhance your SmartMax creations and explore a world of tactile experiences with this special extension set, which includes 6 neutral-colored balls. These smooth, soft balls add a new dimension to your SmartMax building adventures, providing a unique sensory experience and expanding your creative possibilities.
SMX 101-XT SET: 6 Curved bars logička igra SMX 101-XT SET: 6 Curved bars logička igra 2
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SMX 101-XT SET: 6 Curved bars logička igra

Expand your SmartMax creations and your creativity with this special extension set, which includes 6 curved bars. These versatile, brightly colored curved bars add a new dimension to your SmartMax building adventures. They allow you to create exciting new structures, curves, and patterns, unlocking a world of imaginative possibilities.
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SmartMax SMX 105-XT SET: 6 pcs short + 6 pcs long bars

Expand your SmartMax creations and unleash your creativity with this versatile extension set, featuring 6 short bars and 6 long bars. This combination of short and long bars provides a dynamic range of building possibilities, allowing you to construct taller structures, longer bridges, and more elaborate designs. The varied lengths add depth and dimension...
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